Pre-order prices may be adjust depending on DJI Q2-2023 financial adjustments.
DJI Dock - M3T Version
- A Return Will Not Be Accepted if: The refund was requested beyond 7 calendars days of delivery or the product was opened. Product sent in for refund does not include all original accessories, attachments, and packaging, any item is not in new or like-new condition, i.e. with cracks, dents or scratches. Legal proof-of-purchase or receipts are not provided or are reasonably believed to have been forged or tampered with. Any product fault or damage has been caused by unauthorized use or modification of the product, including exposure to moisture, entry of foreign bodies (water, oil, sand, etc.), or improper installation or operation. Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, false proof marks etc. show signs of tampering or alteration. Damage was caused to the product by external factors out of our control, including fire, flood, high winds and lightning strike. Respective product has not been sent back to AirWrx 7 calendar days after refund confirmation from AirWrx. The date of activation exceeds 10 days after the date of delivery for manufacturing defect items. If the product is an activation code (DJI Care, DJI Care Refresh, Osmo Shield, Enterprise Shield, CinemaDNG or Apple ProRes License) Note: AirWrx is a DJI Repair center and can support DJI customers fix or tune a DJI drone. A Return Will Be Accepted If: Within 7 calendar days of delivery if the product has no manufacturing defect, is unopened, has not been activated. Within 7 calendar days of delivery if the product has a manufacturing defect. Opened and activated items will incure a 40% restocking fee, which will be applied at the time of the return. For details on after-sales service policy, please visit https://www.dji.com/ca/service/policy
- Estimated delivery is 7-14 days ARO. Due to unknown shipping charges for foreign cutomers, the customer can provide us with a preferrred shipping provider and account number (opt. UPS, FedEx Exp, or DHL).